Sunday, March 15, 2009

moran comes home

noa with jo's mom

moran always knows how to make noa laugh

will's birthday party

elad bathing noa and noa watching yuval the mevulbal

this week, was all about moran for noa, who came after her vacation in sunny ca. noa lights up when she walks in the room. moran took her step 3 usmle test on thursday and friday. we had brunch with jo's parents today, and noa definitely likes the british accent because she quickly warmed up to jo's mom. she had another birthday party on friday. this week was will's turn, and she wanted to explore the house so bad that she pushed down the gate. at the party, i showed everyone noa's new fixation with my stomach. if she sees my shirt slightly raised, she quickly makes her way to me, lifts my shirt and rests her face on my stomach. then she kisses my stomach and laughs. earlier in the week, noa and i went to check out a school. yes, a school. preschools apparently now have a two's programs, which noa might be eligible for next year. i hadnt even given any thought to preschool until my friend invited me to this orientation disguised as a playdate. noa, though, had a grand time playing. she crawled from toy to toy. i just cant believe we are even thinking about schools for noa. on thursday, i went out with the girls for book club and we enjoyed dinner and a drink. we had so much fun we extended the evening and went bar hopping. we only hopped to one bar, but nevertheless life after kids is not so bad.

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